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 THE EVOLUTION OF FASHION Fashion has played a significant role in human history, reflecting cultural, social, and economic changes. From the practicality of early garments to the runway extravaganzas of today, fashion has come a long way. This article explores the evolution of fashion and how it has gone from function to style. The Beginnings of Fashion Fashion can be traced back to prehistoric times when humans used animal skins to protect themselves from the elements. Clothing was purely functional, designed to keep people warm and dry in harsh conditions. However, as societies developed and became more complex, fashion began to take on a new role. Early Civilizations and Clothing In ancient civilizations, clothing was used to denote social status and rank. The wealthy and powerful would wear elaborate garments made from fine fabrics and adorned with precious jewels and metals. The poor would wear simple, plain garments made from cheaper materials. Clothing became a symbol of power